After so much work and long hours preparing it, the video conference did not achieve our goals but partly. Switzerland had some last-minute technical problems and could not participate. As for the other four countries (Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic and Spain), at least we managed to make the students communicate with their peers in the other schools. The sound was poor sometimes but, all in all, the students had already worked before the video conference (on the topic of "The way I see my country, the way I see others"). Then they spoke to, watched videos made by and listened to other partner schools students during the session. However, what is probably the most positive achievement, is the fact that now they are really interested in video conferencing and contacting and chatting with their old and new friends. It might be really fantastic if we had the means and the time to video conference regularly!

Really chatting with Video conferencing is amazing and thrilling, it seems to be sitting side by and speaking.