Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Our Comenius project turning 1 year old?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

As soon as we knew that our Comenius project had been accepted last year, we decided to create a blog for it. In fact our project blog “The School as the Integration Engine” has been working since the 23rd of July 2009 and it has proved to be a mirror of what we have done, are doing and are going to do for students,teachers and  the whole school community, city and beyond. In addition, our blog has also proved to be  the best and most flexible way of communication among the five countries that take part in our
project, i.e.  Gymnázium, Lipník nad Bečvou LIPNÍK NAD BEČVOU (The Czech Republic); Bródy Imre Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola. AJKA (Hungary), Gymnasium Ödeme, Lüneburg, (Germany), Collège Sismondi, GENEVA (Switzerland), IES Campanar. VALENCIA (Spain). 
We have worked hard but are happy with the results; the feedback we have got from our project seems to push the engine rolling farther and farther than we had expected. Thanks to everybody!!!!!
Dêkuji!,  Köszönöm!,  Danke!  Merci bien!,  ¡Gracias!,  Gràcies!