The teachers in the present project want to highlight the great role the school plays in the improvement of the students` integration within society since we are all necessary, to make it work properly no matter what our differences are.
We think there are several ways to get best results in this integration:
-By implementing students' motivation in the learning process and so achieve one of the EU goals of
accelerating the improvements of the end-of-studies rate in secondary schools. We also want to implement the basic crosscurricular competences: learnig to learn, self and peer assessment, etc...
-Doing our best to make the learning process at school most attractive, especially for migrants and the
economically and socially disadvantaged getting an inclusion-friendly environment at school and a future social sustainable development.
-By concentrating after needs analysis on the design of materials and approaches which will be tested, evaluated and finally disseminated, focusing on ICT technology working on a common web portal created for the project and the partner schools.
The points raised above involve interaction so the study and use of several foreign languages is a priority for us to let us all integrate in Europe
Every school has a different context but we share a common interest in getting the same goals together since we all feel we belong to a supranational entity which is the EU. We cannot achieve our goals on our own. We want to exchange experiences and schemes on how each country copes with today's economical crisis. It is sure that this will mean more migration and fluxes, and thus the need for acquiring a better education in order to be able to move and enjoy a job mobility if necessary is a must. Our aim is to develop and improve our students' competence in the use of LANGUAGE and communication. We understand this can be done by implementing students' reading skills, by their use and practice of foreign languages, by implementing the use of THE language of all sciences: Mathematics and finally by making them use all their skills and be the best they can in today's global world using the ICT tools they will need in the future.
We want to work on multicultural topics in order to improve tolerance of those students who belong to the majority in the given country so that they can accept and help their mates belonging to any kind of minority, since these pupils are the most vulnerable to social and economical exclusion. As a result we can reach the integration of minority groups without their assimilation, increasing this way their equal opportunities. We want to list and describe both minority groups in every participating country with special interest in the groups overwhelming at a certain region and also the possibilities of at home majority but abroad minority groups in the labour market of the European Union. We believe migration is a transnational issue and it is necessary to implement tolerance in our schools because that will also improve tolerance and respect in our society. We also feel sport is a good tool to deal with issues such as active citizenship, intercultural dialogue and community participation.
Because we all believe in the EU and its role as an integrating machine in its geographical, cultural and
multilingual identity. The four countries that take part in this project, Germany, Hungary, Spain and the
Czech Republic are in the EU but some of them are a kind of link between two different continents. We know globalization, while opening up new opportunities for economic and social development, presents a challenge to cultural and religious identities of nations. But today's problems ignore national boundaries. The different teachers in this project all believe in a multicultural environment where all cultures can coexist. Our students may have different languages, nationalities, learning styles and difficulties,
personalities, interests, hopes and dreams. However, all of us think that we will act as ONE school and ONE classroom during this project, where the most important thing to work on is progress through diversity, real EU values, a spirit of acceptance and openmindedness and also about new ideas, creativity and problem-solving as a medium to innovation since we want to celebrate the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. Both students and teachers intend to work actively in the project - we have already done so in its design too, as we know that if you are passionate about something, there will always be someone to listen to you and someone with the same passion.
*Gymnasium Oedeme. LÜNEBURG (Germany)
*Gymnázium, Lipník nad Becvou Komenského sady62, LIPNÍK NAD BECVOU (The Czech Republic)
*Bródy Imre Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és AMI. AJKA (Hungary)
*IES Campanar. VALENCIA (España) Coordinating Centre.
We also have the point of view of a non-EU country, Switzerland, which will offer us a new perspective from a different angle. The Coordinator of the present project contacted both EU and Swiss authorities to check if it was possible for Switzerland to join us. Actually, they were already funded to attend the Preparatory Visit for this project that was held in Lüneburg, Germany. (23-27 November 2008).
The school name is:
Collège Sismondi .GENEVA (Switzerland)
The teachers in the present project want to highlight the great role the school plays in the improvement of the students` integration within society since we are all necessary, to make it work properly no matter what our differences are.
We think there are several ways to get best results in this integration:
-By implementing students' motivation in the learning process and so achieve one of the EU goals of
accelerating the improvements of the end-of-studies rate in secondary schools. We also want to implement the basic crosscurricular competences: learnig to learn, self and peer assessment, etc...
-Doing our best to make the learning process at school most attractive, especially for migrants and the
economically and socially disadvantaged getting an inclusion-friendly environment at school and a future social sustainable development.
-By concentrating after needs analysis on the design of materials and approaches which will be tested, evaluated and finally disseminated, focusing on ICT technology working on a common web portal created for the project and the partner schools.
The points raised above involve interaction so the study and use of several foreign languages is a priority for us to let us all integrate in Europe
Every school has a different context but we share a common interest in getting the same goals together since we all feel we belong to a supranational entity which is the EU. We cannot achieve our goals on our own. We want to exchange experiences and schemes on how each country copes with today's economical crisis. It is sure that this will mean more migration and fluxes, and thus the need for acquiring a better education in order to be able to move and enjoy a job mobility if necessary is a must. Our aim is to develop and improve our students' competence in the use of LANGUAGE and communication. We understand this can be done by implementing students' reading skills, by their use and practice of foreign languages, by implementing the use of THE language of all sciences: Mathematics and finally by making them use all their skills and be the best they can in today's global world using the ICT tools they will need in the future.
We want to work on multicultural topics in order to improve tolerance of those students who belong to the majority in the given country so that they can accept and help their mates belonging to any kind of minority, since these pupils are the most vulnerable to social and economical exclusion. As a result we can reach the integration of minority groups without their assimilation, increasing this way their equal opportunities. We want to list and describe both minority groups in every participating country with special interest in the groups overwhelming at a certain region and also the possibilities of at home majority but abroad minority groups in the labour market of the European Union. We believe migration is a transnational issue and it is necessary to implement tolerance in our schools because that will also improve tolerance and respect in our society. We also feel sport is a good tool to deal with issues such as active citizenship, intercultural dialogue and community participation.
Because we all believe in the EU and its role as an integrating machine in its geographical, cultural and
multilingual identity. The four countries that take part in this project, Germany, Hungary, Spain and the
Czech Republic are in the EU but some of them are a kind of link between two different continents. We know globalization, while opening up new opportunities for economic and social development, presents a challenge to cultural and religious identities of nations. But today's problems ignore national boundaries. The different teachers in this project all believe in a multicultural environment where all cultures can coexist. Our students may have different languages, nationalities, learning styles and difficulties,
personalities, interests, hopes and dreams. However, all of us think that we will act as ONE school and ONE classroom during this project, where the most important thing to work on is progress through diversity, real EU values, a spirit of acceptance and openmindedness and also about new ideas, creativity and problem-solving as a medium to innovation since we want to celebrate the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. Both students and teachers intend to work actively in the project - we have already done so in its design too, as we know that if you are passionate about something, there will always be someone to listen to you and someone with the same passion.
*Gymnasium Oedeme. LÜNEBURG (Germany)
*Gymnázium, Lipník nad Becvou Komenského sady62, LIPNÍK NAD BECVOU (The Czech Republic)
*Bródy Imre Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és AMI. AJKA (Hungary)
*IES Campanar. VALENCIA (España) Coordinating Centre.
We also have the point of view of a non-EU country, Switzerland, which will offer us a new perspective from a different angle. The Coordinator of the present project contacted both EU and Swiss authorities to check if it was possible for Switzerland to join us. Actually, they were already funded to attend the Preparatory Visit for this project that was held in Lüneburg, Germany. (23-27 November 2008).
The school name is:
Collège Sismondi .GENEVA (Switzerland)